Genus Diogenichthys

Diogenichthys Bolin, 1939

Mouth small, extending to or only slightly beyond posterior margin orbit. Maxillae expanded posteriorly. Posterior premaxillary teeth and outer row of teeth on dentary broad-based and anteriorly hooked. Lateral line weakly developed. Sexually dimorphic Dn present. Vn absent. PVO almost horizontal. Five PO, level. Four VO, with VO2 elevated. AO divided into AOa and AOp. One Pol. Two Prc, almost in horizontal line. Supra-caudal (males) and infra-caudal (females) luminous glands present. High-oceanic, mesopelagic in warm waters of all three oceans.

Species 3: in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Narpaktitis and Nalp.lktitis (1969): Nalpaktitis et al. (1977).

Species of this genus in the program:
Diogenichthys atlanticus