Familia Cynoglossidae


By J.-C. Quero, M. Desoutter and F. Lagardère

Flatfishes with the eyes on the left side, the body lanceolate and strongly compressed. Snout rounded, mouth small, inferior, more or less arched; eyes quite small, both on left side (except in rare reversed individuals); teeth small, sometimes hidden. Preoperculum covered by skin and scales, its hind margin not free. No spines in fins; dorsal and anal fins confluent with caudal fin. Lateral line either absent on both sides (Symphurus) or well developed on eyed side only (a midlateral line, a margino-dorsal line and frequently also a margino-ventral line); scales ctenoid on eyed side.
Benthic, mostly in warm temperate and tropical seas; mainly on muddy bottoms from close to shore to depths over 1,100 m. Feeding chiefly on bottom-living invertebrates.

Genera 3; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Torchio (1973), Menon (1977).