Genus Diplodus

Diplodus Rafinesque, 1810

Body oblong or ovate, more or less compressed, back elevated; mouth terminal; scales on cheeks and opercle; in front of both jaws incisiform teeth (8-12); at back of jaws molariform teeth in several series.
Littoral waters, generally on rocky bottoms; omnivorous or carnivorous; gonochoric or hermaphroditic; marketed fresh or frozen and as fish-meal, flesh of secondary quality.

Species 15 (6 subspecies recognized in D. sargus); in Clofnam area 6.

Recent revision: de la Paz (1975).

Species of this genus in the program:
Diplodus annularis
Diplodus bellottii
Diplodus cervinus
Diplodus puntazzo
Diplodus sargus
Diplodus vulgaris