Genus Crenidens

Crenidens Valenciennes, 1830

Diagnosis: body oblong oval, a little compressed, upper profile of head in juveniles gently convex to dorsal origin, in adults becoming concave above eye and convex in front of eye to produce a 'nose'. Occipital scalation not extending beyond vertical diameter of eye; preopercular flange naked. In each jaw, 2 series of incisors (sometimes a third series in upper jaw), the cutting edge of each with 5 points (3 median very distinct), outer teeth movable with brown edges; several inner rows of small granular teeth; lower gillrakers 9-11. D XI + 11; A III + 10. Lateral line scales 52-60 to caudal base. Colour: silvery greenish-blue or olive; darker narrow longitudinal stripes along scale rows from above level of pectoral fins; fins dull yellowish or olive, the dorsal darkened marginally; axil of pectoral fin sometimes darkish. Size: to 30 cm SL, usually 20 cm.

Habitat: on sandy, muddy and sea grass bottoms in shallow coastal waters and near coral reefs, also in lagoons. Food: mainly algae, also small invertebrates. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: in the Mediterranean (reported from Israel in Bardawil lagoon) as immigrant from the Red Sea. Elsewhere, Red Sea and western Indian Ocean.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Crenidens crenidens