Genus Argyrosomus

Argyrosomus de la Pylaie, 1835

Large fish with elongate body; 3-5 small upper pores and 5 marginal ones on snout; chin without barbel, but with three pairs of mental pores, median pair round and the others in small slits; teeth well differentiated, outer row teeth of upper jaw enlarged with a narrow band of small teeth inside, smaller teeth of lower jaw between and outside an enlarged irregular row of teeth. Caudal fin truncate to slightly S-shaped in adults. Swimbladder carrot-shaped, with 36-42 pairs of arborescent appendages. Otolith (sagitta) oval, and thick, its outer surface often granulate.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revision: Trewavas (1977).

Species of this genus in the program:
Argyrosomus regius