Genus Pseudupeneus

Pseudupeneus Bleeker, 1862

1 spine on opercular margin; prominent conical teeth in both jaws, clearly visible even when the mouth is closed. Snout rather pointed. No stripe on the fins. 2-3 rows of scales along the space between dorsal fins; 8-9 rows of scales along upper part of caudal peduncle.

Habitat: benthic on mud and sandy bottoms at depths between 10 and 300 m, usually between 30 and 50 m. Coastal waters of the continental shelf. Food: bottom-living invertebrates. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: in the area, southern coasts of Morocco (Agadir), also along the west coasts of Africa to Angola; frequent along Mauritanian coasts. Also recently found in Western Mediterranean (south-eastern coast of Spain) (Reina and Nunnez, 1984).

Species 8; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Pseudupeneus prayensis