Genus Acantholabrus

Acantholabrus Valenciennes, 1839

Diagnosis: body rather elongate. Head length less than body depth Mouth large. Edge of preoperculum serrated. Snout length less than post-orbital. Two rows of canine-like teeth; front teeth of first row longer and protruding. Teeth (first row): 8-18/8-18. Numerous cephalic pores (on snout 26-34). Upper lip with 6-8 folds. Dorsal finrays XIX-XXI + 7-10; anal finrays IV-VI + 5-8. Scales along lateral line 39-45. Rows of scales above lateral line 3-5, 4-7 on cheek, 3-5 behind eye, 2 on inter-operculum (16-20 scales). Scales rather large, extending to dorsal, anal and caudal fin membranes. Inter-orbital space and gill cover scaly. Gill arch with 14-17, rather thin, rakers. Vertebrae 34-37. Colour: light brownish and green-brown with indistinct clear bands, sometimes reddish, lighter on belly. A dark blotch on upper part of caudal peduncle, close to caudal fin, sometimes another one marking last spiny and first soft dorsal ray. Size: to 25 cm SL.

Habitat: littoral on rocky and sandy bottoms (60-250 m in Mediterranean, 18-55 m off Norwegian coast). Behaviour: solitary. Food: no data. Reproduction: no sexual dimorphism.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Acantholabrus palloni