Genus Mauligobius

Mauligobius Miller, 1981

Type-species: Gobius maderensis Valenciennes, 1837.

Sub-orbital papillae with 7 transverse rows, 4 before, and 2 lower parts below, longitudinal row b; row 7, several papillae near pore a. No row a. Anterior and posterior oculoscapular, and preopercular head canals present. Predorsal area, nape, and rear cheek scaled. Anterior nostril tubular, with tentacle, single or digitate, from rim. Pectoral fin with well-developed free rays. Pelvic disc complete, anterior membrane with pronounced lateral lobes. First dorsal finrays VI. Scales ctenoid, 48-57 in lateral series. Vertebral mode 28.
Relatively larger eastern Atlantic forms, the type species from oceanic islands (Madeira, the Canaries), and the related M. nigri (Gunther) from tropical West Africa.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revision: Miller, 1984.

Species of this genus in the program:
Mauligobius maderensis