Genus Didogobius

Didogobius Miller, 1966

Sub-orbital papillae in 5 transverse rows and a single papilla near pore a; 3 rows before and 1 lower part below longitudinal row b. No row a. Anterior oculoscapular canal present, lacking pore between b and a, and with only 1 inter-orbital pore (k); posterior oculoscapular (and preopercular canals in D. bentuvii) absent. Eye reduced, less than oneeighth head length. Predorsal area and head naked. Anterior nostril tubular, overlying upper lip, but without process from rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays not free from membrane. Pelvic disc complete. First dorsal rays VI. Caudal fin long, obtusely lanceolate. Scales cycloid. Vertebrae 27-28.
Until recently, represented only by holotype of D. bentuvii from the
Levant Sea but another species with short preopercular canal, larger eye, and about 30-40 scales in lateral series is to be described from the Canaries by I. Van Tassell.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Didogobius bentuvii