Genus Kali

Kali Lloyd, 1909

Teeth in two series on each jaw, those of inner series fewer, much larger, strikingly curved, with lancet-shaped heads; teeth of outer series more numerous, shorter, more slender, less curved. Upper and lower jaws curving concavely away from each other such that when distal tips of jaws are in contact, middle portions of jaws do not touch. No scales on body. No photophores. Lateral line with I or 2 pores per segment. Branchiostegal rays 6. Vertebrae 33 41. Larvae and juveniles characterized by highly-distinctive 'Gargaropteron' stage.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Johnson (1969), Johnson and Cohen (1974).

Species of this genus in the program:
Kali macrodon
Kali macrura