Genus Selene

Selene Lacepède, 1802

Body very compressed and deep. Pelvic fins relatively short at all sizes (about one-third or less length of upper jaw), becoming nearly rudimentary; anterior soft rays of dorsal and anal fins never filamentous. Body superficially naked, scales minute and embedded where present. No enlarged scute-like scales in curved lateral line; scutes in straight lateral line weak, scarcely differentiated.

Habitat: usually found near bottom in 20-100 m; young and juveniles occur in surface waters often near bays and river mouths; a schooling species. Food: crustaceans and small fishes. Reproduction: see family.

Distribution: rare in the area; literature records for Portugal and Madeira. Elsewhere, the Cape Verde Is. and African coast from Senega to Walvis Bay, (Namibia). A geminate species, Selene setapinnis, occurs in the western Atlantic.

Species 6 or 7; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Selene dorsalis