Genus Elagatis

Elagatis Bennett, 1840

Teeth in both jaws minute, in a broad band anteriorly, tapering posteriorly. Soft anal fin base distinctly shorter than soft dorsal fin base; pectoral and pelvic fins approximately equal in length. Spinous dorsal fin with 6 spines, terminal 2-rayed finlet present in dorsal and anal fins. Caudal peduncle grooves present. Lateral line slightly arched above pectoral fins, becoming straight posteriorly; no scutes.

Habitat: pelagic, usually found at or near the surface, over reefs or sometimes far offshore; may form sizable schools. Food: invertebrates and small fishes. Reproduction: see family.

Distribution: apparently rare in the eastern Atlantic, and in Mediterranean only 8-10 specimens taken off Genoa (Sassi, 1846). Elsewhere, a few records from the Gulf of Guinea; nearly cosmopolitan in tropical seas.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Elagatis bipinnulata