Genus Caranx

Caranx Lacepède, 1801

Dorsal accessory lateral line terminating in front of spinous dorsal fin. Upper jaw with an outer series of small to large canines and an inner band of smaller teeth; teeth in lower jaw essentially in a single irregular row or in a narrow band, widest anteriorly. Shoulder girdle (cleithrum) margin smooth, without papillae. Terminal ray of dorsal and anal fins closely positioned to adjacent ray or if partially separated attached basally by inter-radial membrane; spinous dorsal fin relatively low to long (C. rhonchus), longest spine shorter than length of soft dorsal fin lobe, except spine equal to or slightly longer than lobe in C. rhonchus. No enlarged scute-like scales anteriorly in curved lateral line, scutes present in straight lateral line.
Primarily neritic to insular species found in surface waters to at least 350 m in small to large schools, feeding on invertebrates and other fishes.

Species 13 or 14 sensu stricto (see note below); in Clofnam area 5.

Recent revision: Smith-Vaniz and Berry (1981-on a regional basis only).

Note. The generic limits of Caranx are not well established and depend upon how the genus is defined; the number of included species ranges from about 13 to 40.

Species of this genus in the program:
Caranx crysos
Caranx hippos
Caranx latus
Caranx lugubris
Caranx rhonchus