Genus Campogramma

Campogramma Regan, 1903

Both jaws with a single row of large, widely spaced canines. Soft anal fin base slightly shorter than soft dorsal fin base; pectoral fins longer than pelvic fins. Caudal peduncle grooves absent or obsolete. Lateral line slightly to moderately arched above pectoral fins, becoming straight posteriorly, no scutes.

Habitat: adults pelagic or epibenthic, mostly in shallow waters (15-30 m). Food: primarily schooling fishes. Reproduction: see family.

Distribution: western Mediterranean (common) and eastern Atlantic northward to the Bay of Biscay, Madeira and as a rare vagrant off the British Isles. Elsewhere, off Morocco to Senegal, including the Canaries.

Recent revision: Smith-Vaniz and Staiger (1973).

Species of this genus in the program:
Campogramma glaycos