Genus Taractichthys

Taractichthys Mead and Maul, 1958

Diagnosis: large bramid fishes. Scaly dorsal fin originating over end of pectoral fin base; stiff and decidedly falcate. Anal fin similar, originating under end of dorsal lobe, base about four-fifths length of dorsal fin base. Dorsal profile of head between eyes strongly arched and rounded. Head somewhat broadened, lower edges of mandible not in contact. Dorsal finrays 35-38; anal finrays 27-30; pectoral finrays 20-22. Vertebrae 44-47. Scales in horizontal series 39-45, modally 43. Scales with a strong central spine, except in largest individuals, creating impression of distinct horizontal lines on body. No keel on caudal peduncle, but last scale on peduncle distinctly larger than scales on caudal fin. No lateral line in adult. Colour: black overall except for whitish paired fins and trailing edge of median fins. Size: to over 100 cm SL, those taken in high latitudes usually the largest.

Habitat: pelagic, usually offshore, in warm waters. Food: no data. Reproduction: young occur in all seasons.

Distribution: from Iceland to Norway southwards. Absent from the Mediterranean. Elsewhere, in the Atlantic Ocean, but nowhere common.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revision: Mead (1972).

Species of this genus in the program:
Taractichthys longipinnis