Genus Pteraclis

Pteraclis Gronow,1772

Diagnosis: small- to medium-sized bramid fishes. Dorsal fin originating on snout well ahead of eye, extremely large and sail-like and folding into a groove formed by enlarged scales. One of the anteriormost finrays at least twice as thick as the other rays, all rays graduating in length and no lobes on fin; fin scaleless. Anal fin similar, with a thickened ray and originating under posterior part of head well before pectoral fin; almost same length as dorsal. Dorsal profile of head strongly elevated and rounded between and ahead of eyes. Head somewhat compressed, lower edges of mandible usually in contact with each other. Dorsal finrays 48-54; anal finrays 42-47; pectoral finrays 18-19. Branchiostegal rays 8. Vertebrae 49-52. Gillrakers I + I + 5-6. No enlarged axillary scale at base of pelvics. Scales with persistent median spines, larger anteriorly than posteriorly. No scaleless area above and behind eye. No keel on caudal peduncle, but scales there are distinctly larger than those on caudal fin. Lateral line absent in adults. Colour: body pale to dark with black median fins. Size: to about 50 cm SL, but most in collections are juveniles of less than 5 cm.

Habitat: offshore, mesopelagic in warm waters. Food: no data. Reproduction: young are most abundant from March through June.

Distribution: occasionally off Madeira. Elsewhere, primarily in Sargasso Sea.

Species 3 (at least); in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revision: Mead (1972).

Species of this genus in the program:
Pteraclis carolinus