Genus Ammodytes

Ammodytes Artedi, 1738

Oblique plicae covering the sides of body. Premaxillae protrusible; tip of lower jaw protruding less than half of one eye diameter beyond upper jaw; teeth absent. Margins of dorsal and anal fins straight with rays of equal length. Lateral line pores linearly arranged along the unbranched canals. Up to 25 cm SL.
Plankton-feeding and usually the most abundant sand-eels both inshore (A. tobianus) and offshore (A. marinus). A. marinus forms the basis of the North Sea fishery.

Species probably 6 ( in Pacific (2) and western North Atlantic (2) one of these, A. americanus may be synonymous with A. marinus); in Clofnam area 2.

Species of this genus in the program:
Ammodytes marinus
Ammodytes tobianus