Genus Pentherichthys

Pentherichthys Regan and Trewavas, 1932

Females distinct from other oneirodids in lacking symphysial spine on lower jaw, the ventral margin of dentaries at symphysis concave (see figure) and in having internal pigment in caudal rays; esca with a small conical or laterally compressed anterior papilla; a median distal crest and a large tapering posterior appendage with several short filaments and at each side of base an enlarged forward-directed branch. Males non-parasitic; 7-9 upper denticular teeth fused at base, 4 eventually free, lower denticular teeth. Largest females 92 and 119 mm, largest male 12.5 mm.

Species 2; in Clofnam area, larvae recorded most probably represent the only known Atlantic species P. venustus.

Species of this genus in the program:
Pentherichthys venustus