Genus Oneirodes

Oneirodes Lütken, 1871

Distinct from other oneirodids in the following combination of characters: suboperculum short, its upper part rounded; females with well-developed sphenotic spines; pterygiophore of illicium long, when retracted protruding on back; esca with an anterior appendage, a truncated or conical terminal papilla and a posterior appendage behind pore; a pair of filamentous medial appendages present in most species; sphenotic spines well developed; skin of body not extending past base of caudal fin (skin covering caudal fin to some distance from fin base in all other oneirodids). Males non-parasitic, caudal peduncle without subdermal pigment. Largest females 150-213 mm, largest males 13.5-16.5 mm.

Species 34; in Clofnam area 7.

Recent revision: Pietsch (1974).

Species of this genus in the program:
Oneirodes anisacanthus
Oneirodes carlsbergi
Oneirodes clarkei
Oneirodes eschrichtii
Oneirodes macronema
Oneirodes macrosteus
Oneirodes myrionemus