Genus Gigantactis

Gigantactis Brauer, 1902

Females distinct from Rhynchactis in having several strong hooked teeth in lower jaw, snout protruding in front of mouth bearing illicium on tip and esca with luminous bulb. Males with 3-4 upper and 3-5 lower denticular teeth. Largest female 300-400 mm, largest males 17-22 mm.

Species 17; in Clofnam area 1. Besides specimens not referable to species, including several larvae and a male from off Madeira and Portugal, and a juvenile female from off Irish Atlantic slope (G. filibulosus Fraser-Brunner, 1935 (Clofnam 219.1.2) now referred to incertae sedis), six other species are recorded from the Atlantic north of equator.

Species of this genus in the program:
Gigantactis vanhoeffeni