Genus Halosaurus

Halosaurus Johnson, 1863

Snout rather pointed anteriorly in dorsal profile. A prominent spine developed along the upper edge of the maxilla; distinctly separated from the maxilla for most of its length. First ray of dorsal fin short and segmented. Lateral line scales only slightly larger than body scales; one per each body scale in a horizontal row. Top of head (usually including snout) scaled. Pyloric caeca in a single row.
Circumglobal, at tropical and temperate latitudes. Benthopelagic along the continental slope and rise. Swims just above and parallel to bottom. Adopts an inclined, head-down posture when probing the bottom. Feeds on the bottom. Adults appear to segregate by sex.

Species 8; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Harrison (1966), McDowell (1973), Sulak (1977a).

Species of this genus in the program:
Halosaurus johnsonianus
Halosaurus ovenii