Genus Aldrovandia

Aldrovandia Goode and Bean, 1896

Body slender. Head bones thin and membranous. Gill cover continued posteriorly as a fleshy flap. First ray of dorsal fin short and unsegmented. Top of snout, head and opercle scaleless. Lateral line unpigmented, its scales enlarged, 1 for every 2 or 3 body scales in a horizontal row. Pyloric caeca dark and in a single series.
Circumglobal at temperate and tropical latitudes. Benthopelagic at bathyal to abyssal depths (500-5,000 m). Catches commonly include several individuals; some degree of aggregation probable. Sensory snout employed to probe bottom for food; infaunal and epifaunal organisms predominate.

Species 6; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: McDowell (1973), Sulak (1977a).

Species of this genus in the program:
Aldrovandia affinis
Aldrovandia phalacra