Genus Diplecogaster

Diplecogaster Fraser-Brunner, 1939

Body moderately depressed anteriorly; head more or less triangular in dorsal outline, snout slightly produced. Head moderately depressed, length 2.4-3.1 and width 3.2-4.8 times in SL. Teeth small, conical, more or less recurved, in deep patches towards front of each jaw, narrowing to single row along sides of jaws, larger than those found at front. On third gill arch 7-18 small, shallow raKers. Median fins comparatively short. Dorsal finrays 4-9; anal finrays 3-8; caudal finrays 9-14; pectoral finrays 21-26. Disc medium, length 3.4-4.6 times in SL.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Diplecogaster bimaculata
Diplecogaster euxinica
Diplecogaster pectoralis