Genus Coelorhynchus

Coelorhynchus Giorna, 1809
(misspelt Coelorinchus)

Body tapering evenly to pointed tail; head large, with well-developed ridges covered with modified scales, the suborbital ridge from snout tip to preoperculum especially well developed. Snout prominent, triangular, sometimes produced as a pointed beak; eye oval, large or very large; mouth inferior, small, very protractile; small chin barbel present. Gill openings small and restricted; no gillrakers on outer face of first arch, others tubercular; branchiostegal rays 6. Second finray of first dorsal fin spinous, but smooth along front (except rarely some denticles at tip). Usually 7 pelvic finrays. Scales with spinules. Light organ on belly in most species.

Species about 60; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revision: Marshall and Iwamoto (1973—western North Atlantic).

Species of this genus in the program:
Coelorhynchus abditilux
Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus
Coelorhynchus occa