Genus Pollachius

Pollachius Nilsson, 1832

Lower jaw projecting beyond upper one. A barbel on chin, minute or absent. Sensory canals with large pores on head. Coronal fossa on frontals closed in front of commissure between supra-orbital canals. First anal fin long, its base more than one-half of preanal distance and its origin below middle or end of first dorsal fin base. Dorsal and anal interspaces short. Lateral line continuous over whole body. No dark spot at pectoral fin base.
Inshore or offshore waters, from the surface to bottom in small shoals. Feed mainly on fish and crustaceans. Spawning from January to May.

Species 2, both in Clofnam area.

Species of this genus in the program:
Pollachius pollachius
Pollachius virens