Genus Gadiculus

Gadiculus Guichenot, 1850

Lower jaw projecting beyond upper one, cleft of mouth oblique. Eye large, its diameter longer than snout and less than two and a half times in head length. No barbel on chin. Scales large, deciduous. Coronal fossa on frontals closed in front of commissure between supra-orbital canals. Sensory canals with large open pits on head. First anal fin base short, less than one-half of preanal distance, its origin a little in front or below the origin of the dorsal fin. Lateral line not continuous behind middle of third dorsal fin base.

Habitat: bathypelagic, midwater in shoals over edge of continental shelf at 200-1,000 m. Food: small crustaceans and worms (?). Reproduction: January-February in the southern part of its distribution, April in north, December-January in Mediterranean.

Distribution: north-eastern Atlantic from North Cape, Skagerrak to Bay of Biscay (G. argenteus thori) and off Morocco, western Mediterranean, Adriatic (G. argenteus argenteus).

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Gadiculus argenteus