Genus Eleginus

Eleginus G. Fischer, 1812-13

Upper jaw projecting beyond lower one. A barbel on chin as long as eye pupil. Coronal fossa on frontals open in front of commissure between supra-orbital canals. Sensory canals on head nearly devoid of pores. First anal fin short, its base less than one-half of preanal distance and its origin in front of or below the origin of second dorsal fin. Caudal fin truncate or slightly emarginate. Lateral line not continuous, only behind origin of second dorsal fin and straight behind its middle. Parapophyses swollen into hollow balls at tips.

Habitat: inshore, especially in bays, bottom with soft muddy ground, at r shallow depths, salt and brackish waters, entering mouths of rivers, in winter under ice. Behaviour: gregarious, in shoals. Food: amphipods, mysids, small fish. Reproduction: January, during about 15 days, under ice at 8-15 m depth, over sandy and stony ground, eggs demersal.

Distribution: White Sea, rarer in south- eastern Barents and southwestern Kara Seas.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Eleginus navaga