Genus Antonogadus

Antonogadus Wheeler, 1969

Long-bodied gadoid fishes with 2 dorsal fins, the first with an elongate first finray (less than orbit diameter) followed by fine short finrays; a single anal fin, equal in height to the second dorsal fin. 3 barbels, 1 on chin and 1 on each anterior nostril. Mouth large, the gape extending beyond the orbit and always more than half head length; upper jaw with a band of sharp conical teeth and 1 (sometimes 2) large caniniform teeth on either side of symphysis (eight to ten times longer than other jaw teeth). Vertebrae 43-45.
Benthic, possibly bathypelagic.

Species 2, both in Clofnam area.

Recent revision: Wheeler (1969).

Species of this genus in the program:
Antonogadus macrophthalmus
Antonogadus megalokynodon