Familia Searsiidae


by J.-C. Quero, T. Matsui, R. H. Rosenblatt and Y. I. Sazonov

Small deep-sea fishes, resembling alepocephalids, but characterized by a shoulder organ consisting of a large round black sac under the upper portion of the shoulder girdle, which opens to the exterior through a tube visible above the pectoral fin base. Head moderate, snout a little pointed, mouth terminal; distinct tusks pointing forward on premaxillae in some genera, curved inward in others, or absent. Dorsal and anal fins on posterior part of body, finrays soft; pectoral fins small, with numerous finrays; pelvic fins at about midpoint of body or absent; no adipose dorsal fin. Light organs (photophores) sometimes present, mainly on lower part of body. Scales cycloid and thin, lateral line sometimes marked by enlarged scales or papillae, but sometimes absent.
Deepwater, pelagic; habits probably similar to pelagic alepocephalids.

Genera 15; in Clofnam area 8.

Recent revisions: Parr (1960), Sazonov and Golovan (1976), Sazonov (1976).

Nomenclature of photophores (see also Picture "Searsiidae")

AO = Anal Organ
BRO = Branchiostegal Organ
CO = Caudal Organ
GOant. = Anterior Gular Organ
GO post. = Posterior Gular Organ
ICO = Infra-caudal Organ
IOO = Infra-orbital Organ
IPO = Infra-pectoral Organ
IVO = Inter-ventral Organ
JO = Jugular Organ
MVO = Mid-ventral Organ
MXO = Maxillae Organ
OPO = Opercular Organ
OO = Orbital Organ
PAO = Post-anal Organ
PJO = Prejugular Organ
PO = Pectoral Organ
POO = Post-orbital Organ
PVO = Pre-ventral Organ
SAO = Supra-anal Organ
SOPO = Sub-opercular Organ
SPO = Supra-pectoral Organ
SVO = Supra-ventral Organ
THO = Thoracic Organs
VO = Ventral Organ