Genus Coregonus

Coregonus Linnaeus, 1758

Mouth rather small, lower jaw not or just reaching to hind margin of eye, upper jaw short, not reaching beyond eye centre, teeth absent in jaws except for minute teeth on premaxillae, also on tongue. Pyloric caeca numerous, about 100. Scales moderate, not more than 110 in lateral line.

Habitat: pelagic in brackish waters (nominate, migratory subspecies), also freshwaters (lacustrine subspecies and populations). Food: planktonic crustaceans. Reproduction: ascend a short distance up rivers in shoals in late August to mid-October, spawning in late autumn and early winter; mature in second year (lacustrine forms later), young descending in late summer.

Distribution: Gulf of Finland and northern part of Gulf of Bothnia, in shore in Baltic; also, about 5 lacustrine subspecies and populations in freshwater.

Species numerous; in Clofnam area 4.

Recent revisions: Reshetnikov (1980).

Species of this genus in the program:
Coregonus albula
Coregonus autumnalis
Coregonus lavaretus
Coregonus sardinella