Genus Eustomias

Eustomias Vaillant, 1888

Body long, slender, its depth usually more than 10 times in SL. Head with long, tapering, protrusible snout; lower jaw not longer than upper jaw, not curved strongly upward; barbel highly variable, from shorter than head to longer than body, with or without branches from the stem, and with the tip consisting of one or more bulbs of varying shapes and with various degrees of filament development. Pectoral fin with 0-16 rays, all about equal in length, unbranched distally, and without lumps of luminous material; pelvic fins low on body, their insertions close together near mid-ventral line; base of anal fin about twice as long as that of dorsal fin, its origin well before that of dorsal fin; no dorsal adipose fin. Photophores in ventral row between pectoral and pelvic fin insertions (PV) 24-36; no pale loop or line on flanks; post-orbital luminous organ variable in size, up to about as long as eye diameter, oval in shape; no pre-orbital or sub-orbital organ; no large patches of luminous material on head behind eye.

See family for biology, etc.

Species about 100; in Clofnam area 8.

Recent revisions: Regan and Trewavas (1930), Morrow and Gibbs (1964), Parin and Pokhilskaya (1974) none entirely satisfactory. Work in progress by Gibbs, Clarke and Gomon.

Species of this genus in the program:
Eustomias braueri
Eustomias filifer
Eustomias longibarba
Eustomias macronema
Eustomias obscurus
Eustomias schmidti
Eustomias simplex
Eustomias tetranema