Genus Bonapartia

Bonapartia Goode and Bean, 1896

Diagnosis: body slightly elongate; mouth large. Pseudobranch ill-defined, 45 filaments; gill filaments shorter than first ceratobranchial gillrakers; gillrakers on first arch 17 (16-18), 3 on hypobranchial; branchiostegal rays 16 (15-17), 5 on epihyal. Dorsal finrays 18 (16-20); pectoral finrays 14-15; pelvic finrays 8 (7-9); anal finrays (28) 29-31; anal fin origin in advance of dorsal fin origin, anterior rays of both elongate; last dorsal and anal rays not split to base; dorsal adipose fin absent; anus nearer to anal than to pelvic fin origin. Swimbladder capacious. Vertebrae 36 38. Scales deciduous. Photophores (adult): SO 1, ORB 1, OP 3, BR 11-13, IV 14-15, VAV 5, AC 17 + 2 (16-18 + 1-3 = 18-21), 14-16 over anal fin; photophores absent on isthmus. Colour: silvery operculum, peritoneum; dark dorsum; translucent caudal, hypaxial region; caudal, dorsal rays pigmented. Size: to 69 mm.

Habitat: mesopelagic, 100-700 m depth, showing marked stratification of size with depth, largest individuals deepest; exhibits diel colour change, darkening slightly at night. Food: no data. Reproduction: dioecious; postlarvae sink gradually with development; photophores develop over about 9-35 mm SL.

Distribution: subtropical-tropical in North Atlantic, rare north of Gulf of Cadiz; northernmost record 54° 45' N, 12° 57' W (Rockall Trough); absent in Mediterranean.

Species 1.

Recent revisions: Mukhacheva (1976).

Species of this genus in the program:
Bonapartia pedaliota