Genus Borostomias

Borostomias Regan, 1908

Body moderately elongate, its depth 6-10 times in SL. Enlarged teeth (fangs) present in jaws; posterior part of upper jaw (maxilla) with widely spaced, erect or curved teeth; gill bars with separated groups of short spines along their length. Post-orbital luminous organ in some species double, with a small anterior and large posterior part; no gap in lateral row of photophores. Dorsal fin origin at less than 60% of SL, slightly posterior to pelvic fin insertion; dorsal adipose fin present.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Gibbs (1964) out of date; work in progress by Gibbs.

Species of this genus in the program:
Borostomias antarcticus
Borostomias elucens
Borostomias mononema