Genus Xenodermichthys

Xenodermichthys Gunther, 1878

Body fairly elongate. Snout short and blunt, forehead profile strongly rounded over eye, which is much larger than snout. Pyloric caeca 4-7. Dorsal and anal fins fairly long, approximately equal and opposite to each other; dorsal finrays 27-31, pectoral finrays 7-8, pelvic finrays 6 (without a splint bone), anal finrays 26-30. No scales; light organs present, nodular and not on stalks.
Mesopelagic at 100-1,000 m, associated with steep slopes; locally very numerous.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Markle (1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Xenodermichthys copei