Genus Conocara

Conocara Goode and Bean, 1896

Body fairly deep to elongate and compressed posteriorly, with a prominent fleshy fold along midline of back and above and below caudal peduncle. Head moderate to large; lower jaw ending below eye; premaxillae forming a plate-like 'visor' (Fig. 1) in some species, making the snout slightly but conspicuously prominent. Pyloric caeca 2-8. Dorsal fin far back on body, with 16-23 finrays, pectoral finrays 7-12, pelvic fin at about midpoint of body, with 5-7 finrays, anal fin origin slightly or greatly in advance of dorsal fin origin, with 21-39 finrays and longer than dorsal fin. Scales present, small and barely imbricate.
Engybenthic from about 800 to 4,200 m.

Species 7; in Clofnam area 6.

Recent revisions: Parr (1951).

Species of this genus in the program:
Conocara fiolenti
Conocara macroptera
Conocara microlepis
Conocara murrayi
Conocara salmonea
Conocara werneri