Genus Asquamiceps

Asquamiceps Zugmayer, 191 1

Body moderately elongate and rounded to moderately deep and compressed. Head very large, gill cover extensive and covering base of pectoral fin; eye large; a single supra-maxilla; articulation of lower jaw behind eye. Pyloric caeca 3-11. Dorsal and anal fins more or less equal in length, far back and opposite each other; dorsal finrays 16-20, pectoral fin fan-like, with 13-19 finrays, pelvic fin well behind midpoint of body, with 5-6 finrays (without a splint bone), anal finrays 15-19. Peritoneum with little or no pigmentation. Scales small, absent between gill cavity and pectoral fin base, barely or not at all imbricate.
Bathypelagic at about 1,300-3,000 m, usually below 2,000 m, circumglobal.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Markle (1980).

Species of this genus in the program:
Asquamiceps velaris