Familia Alepocephalidae


by D. F. Markle and J.-C. Quero

Small to medium-sized deepwater fishes (to about 1 m SL), the body compressed somewhat, eel-like or elongate to moderately deep; head large, eyes often large, gill covers expansive in some, papillae or pores frequently on head and gill covers. Mouth terminal, or snout slightly projecting; tongue present; small or fang-like teeth usually present in jaws, absent on tongue, no tusks on premaxillae. Dorsal fin set far back on body, no spinous finrays; pectoral fin often small or reduced, with no dark tube above it; pelvic fins at about midpoint of body or further back, often small; anal fin similar to dorsal fin; caudal fin forked. Light organs present on body in some species. Scales cycloid if present, usually absent on head (except in one extralimital species).
Deepwater benthic to pelagic, mostly below 1,000 m; locally abundant in both numbers and species, but not yet of fishery interest; one mesopelagic species may make vertical spawning migrations. Feeding on benthic, engybenthic and pelagic invertebrates. Most species with large and presumably demersal eggs.

Genera about 20; in Clofnam area 18.

Recent revisions: Parr (1951), Markle (not yet published).