Familia Cetomimidae


by J. R. Paxton

Midwater fishes of dark brown or black colour mixed with reddish-orange. Head large to very large, mouth very large and terminal. Eye very small; olfactory organ degenerate in all species except one. No fin spines; dorsal and anal fins opposite and posterior with 11-37 rays; pectoral fin with 1524 rays; no pelvic fin. Skin naked (although large scales usually embedded in lateral line canal). Lateralis system cavernous at least on head in all taxa except one, usually cavernous on body. Body soft and flabby; stomach and abdominal area highly distensible. Vertebrae 38-59.
Rare bathypelagic fishes with most species less than 250 mm SL, maximum size 400 mm SL. Crustaceans primary food items. Most specimens are immature females; very few confirmed males (two species only) all small.

Genera 9; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Harry (1952), Paxton (1989).