Genus Nanichthys

Nanichthys Hubbs and Wisner, 1980

Diagnosis: body elongate. Caudal peduncle rather long, about twice longer than deep. Upper jaw moderately pointed, fragile, about half length of lower jaw. Dorsal finrays 14-16 (including 5-6 finlets); anal finrays 17-20 (including 6-7 finlets); pectoral finrays 10-11; procurrent caudal finrays 3-5. Gillrakers 19-26 on first arch. Lateral line extending backwards to slightly past pelvic fin bases. Scales along lateral midline 77-91, predorsal scales 52-58. Vertebrae 58-62. Ovary single, median. Swimbladder completely lacking. Colour: iridescent blue above, silvery below. Size: to 12.5 cm (max.), usually about 10 cm; mature at 9 cm.

Habitat: oceanic, epipelagic. Food: no data. Reproduction: eggs pelagic, about 2 mm in diameter.

Distribution: from Portugal, the Azores and Madeira southwards in the tropical eastern Atlantic and in the central water masses of the Indian Ocean.
Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Nanichthys simulans