Genus Parexocoetus

Parexocoetus Bleeker, 1 866

Diagnosis: body elongate, compressed, rounded ventrally. Pectoral branch of lateral line present. Upper jaw protrusible. Number of dorsal and anal rays sub-equal; dorsal fin high, middle rays the longest; pectoral fins long but not reaching beyond posterior part of anal fin; pelvic fins medium-sized, reaching not far beyond anal fin origin, their insertion closer to anal fin origin than to pectoral fin insertion. Dorsal finrays 9-12; anal finrays 10-12; pectoral finrays 13-15 (1 unbranched). Gillrakers 27-30 on first arch. Predorsal scales 16-20. Colour: iridescent greenishblue above, silvery below; dorsal fin with much black pigment; pectoral fins greyish. Size: to 10 cm.

Habitat: epipelagic in nearshore waters. Food: no data. Reproduction: eggs with filaments over entire surface; juveniles without barbels.

Distribution: invaded Clofnam area through Suez Canal and occurs in eastern Mediterranean to Gulf of Sidra and Albania; common in Israel and Lebanon. Elsewhere, in tropical western Indo-Pacific from Red Sea to Fiji.
Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Parexocoetus mento