Familia Xenocongridae


by L. Saldanha

Body very elongate, anus in advance of midpoint. Anterior nostril tubular, near to tip of snout, posterior nostril on outside of lip or within confines of mouth. Jaws not produced; vomerine teeth totally or partially separated in two rows. Gill openings small, lateral. Dorsal and anal fins confluent with caudal fin; pectoral fins present or absent; pelvic fins absent. Cephalic pores reduced in number; on body, lateral line without pores but with low papillae.
Benthic on shelf and on continental slope, usually burrowing in the bottom; reproduction during hydrological warm season; leptocephali with metamorphic stages.

Genera 8; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Bohlke (1956), Castle (1966), Bohlke and Smith (1968).