Genus Ilyophis

Ilyophis Gilbert, 1892

Body elongate, scaled or not; anus at anterior third of the body. Mouth moderately large, the cutaneous crease extending to about one eye diameter behind eye. Gill openings separate but set on ventral surface, their free edge lunate. Dorsal fin origin over or in the vicinity of pectoral fin.

Habitat: benthopelagic on lower continental slope at 1,465-2,070 m soundings. Food: carnivorous, feeds on galatheid crustaceans and certainly other prey. Reproduction: probable spawning period in June-July.

Distribution: Porcupine Sea-Bight area (off British Isles) and north of Bay of Biscay.
Species 3; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Castle (1964, 1968), Robins (1971, 1976), Saldanha and Merret (1982).

Species of this genus in the program:
Ilyophis blachei
Ilyophis brunneus