Genus Cynoponticus

Cynoponticus Costa, 1846

Vomerine teeth of median row triangular in lateral view, compressed, with more or less inconspicuous basal cusps (large vomerine teeth typically truncated in large specimens); teeth on the dentary essentially in 3 or 4 rows with the principal row consisting of truncated and erect teeth.

Habitat: benthic on the shelf on sand and muddy bottoms at 10- 100 m. Food: carnivorous. Reproduction: leptocephalus unknown.

Distribution: eastern Atlantic northward to Gibraltar, also western Mediterranean (Elba, Ischia, Portoferraio). Elsewhere, southward to Angola.

Species 3; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Blache (1968—on a regional basis only), Blache and Tortonese (1968), Castle and Williamson (1975).

Species of this genus in the program:
Cynoponticus ferox