Genus Paraconger

Paraconger Kanazawa, 1961

Body elongate, scaleless; anterior nostril opening in a short tube at tip of snout; posterior nostril located above groove of upper lip, between eye and anterior nostril; labial flange well developed. In both jaws an outer row of incisiform teeth, close set, forming a cutting edge; other teeth conical and small. Gill openings lateral, their upper edge opposite upper edge of pectoral fin base. Dorsal and anal fins confluent with caudal fin, their finrays unsegmented. Pelvic fins absent.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 6; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Kanazawa (1961), Smith (1971), Blache and Bauchot
(1976 on a regional basis only).

Species of this genus in the program:
Paraconger macrops