Genus Squaliolus

Squaliolus Smith and Radcliffe, 1912

Snout in front of mouth about equal to distance from mouth to level of pectoral fins origin; pre-oral clefts absent. Teeth with single cusps; those of upper jaw slender, symmetrical and slightly recurved; those of lower jaw broad, directed obliquely outward, with inner edges slightly concave and outer edges deeply notched. Lips fleshy around corners of mouth. Pectoral fins with rounded to rectangular inner corners, first dorsal fin with spine either exposed or embedded in skin, the spine located behind vertical through axil of pectoral fin; base of second dorsal fin about twice base of first dorsal fin; caudal fin without sub-terminal notch. Dermal denticles closely spaced, truncate, with concave crowns and radiate bases.

Species l; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Bigelow and Schroeder (1957), Bass, D'Aubrey and Kistnasamy (1976), Seigel (1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Squaliolus laticaudus