Genus Deania

Deania Jordan and Snyder, 1902

Snout in front of mouth flattened and longer than distance from mouth to level of origin of pectoral fins. Pre-oral clefts only slightly expanded inwardly. Teeth in both jaws with a single cusp, lowers wider than uppers and directed outward along each side of jaw, with bases of adjacent teeth overlapping outwardly. Pectoral fins with inner corner rounded, rarely quadrate but not expanded; dorsal spines exposed and possessing a lateral groove; caudal peduncle without pre-caudal pits or lateral ridges; caudal fin with a sub-terminal notch. Dermal denticles on sides of body high and pitchfork-shaped.

Species about 3; in Clofnam area I (a revision of this genus is needed).

Recent revisions: Bigelow and Schroeder (1957), Garrick (1960), Bass, D'Aubrey and Kistnasamy (1976).

Species of this genus in the program:
Deania calceus