Caranx crysos

Author: Mitchill, 1815

Caranx crysos Mitchill, 1815

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Caranx crysos (Mitchill, 1815) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: adipose eyelid weakly developed. Upper jaw with an irregular series of moderate canines flanked by an inner band; teeth in lower jaw essentially in a single row. Gillrakers (including rudiments) 10-14 upper, 25-28 lower on first gill arch. Shoulder girdle (cleithrum) margin smooth, without papillae. Dorsal fin VIII + I + 22-25; anal fin II + I + 19-21; terminal ray of dorsal and anal fins closely positioned to adjacent ray and completely attached by inter-radial membrane; height of spinous dorsal fin distinctly shorter than length of soft dorsal fin lobe. Straight lateral line with 46-56 scutes; chest completely scaled. Colour: body light olive to dark bluish-green above, silvery grey to golden below. Size: to at least 55 cm fork length, common to 35 cm.

Habitat: usually close inshore and to depth of at least 100 m; a schooling species, uncommon around reefs. Food: primarily other fishes (usually silvery species); also shrimps, crabs and other invertebrates. Reproduction: see family.

Distribution: Mediterranean (common only in southern part). Elsewhere, eastern Atlantic, African coast from Senegal to Angola, and Ascension I.; western Atlantic from Nova Scotia to Sao Paulo (Brazil). Very closely related and possibly conspecific with the Eastern Pacific Caranx caballus Günther.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Nichols, 1939: 4 | Padoa, 1956a: 555, fig. 394 | Berry, 1959a: 441, fig. 17-24; 1960: 59, fig. 1-3 | Bini, 1967-1972, 1968, 5: 60, 1 fig. | McKenney et al, 1958: 168, fig. 14 | Berry, 1959a: 441.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.