Liza ramada

Author: Risso, 1826

Liza ramada Risso, 1826

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Liza ramada (Risso, 1810) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: head broad, space between eyes about equal to width of mouth cleft; adipose eyelid poorly developed; upper lip thin, less than pupil diameter; corner of mouth cleft reaching to below posterior nostril; hind edge of pre-orbital round. Pectoral axillary scale rudimentary or absent. Scales on head extend forward to level of front nostril. Colour: back grey/blue, flanks and belly pale or silvery, usually with A feeble longitudinal stripes along scale rows; black axillary spot at pectoral fin base. Size: to 50 cm SL.

Habitat: pelagic, usually inshore, entering lagoons and estuaries and rivers. Food: epiphytic algae, detritus and small benthic or planktonic organisms. Reproduction: October-December. In some countries these fishes are cultivated in ponds or enclosures.

Distribution: Atlantic coasts from the Azores and Madeira northwards to the British Isles (except northern parts of Scotland), North Sea and southern part of Baltic, mainly appearing in summer-time in northern parts of range; also, whole of Mediterranean and Black Sea. Elsewhere, southward to Cape Verde Is. and Senegal.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Brunelli, 1916: fig. 2 (fry) | ?Raffaele, 1888: pl. I (fig. 22), pl. II (fig. 17) | Vialli, 1937: fig. 285-286 | Perlmutter et al., 1957: 296, fig. 5A-F | Hickling, 1970: 629-630 (eggs, fecundity). (Not Wimpenny, 1936; see El-Zarka, 1968.)
Otoliths (sagitta). Shepherd, 1910 (asteriscus) | Chaine and Duvergier, 1928: 253, fig. 45 | Frost, 1929a: 120 | Chaine, 1938: 203, pl. XV | Bauzá-Rullán, 1960: 51, pl. IV (fig. 7-10) | Erman, 1960: pl. Il (fig. 4) | Weiler, 1968: 117 (references).