Neogobius cephalargoides

Author: Pinchuk, 1976

Neogobius cephalargoides Pinchuk, 1976

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Neogobius cephalargoides Pinchuk, 1976 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: nape scaled completely, scales cycloid. Head depth at eyes equalling or to 1.2 width. Inter-orbit about half eye diameter. Angle of jaws below pupil. Snout equalling or to 1.3 eye diameter. Upper lip broad, moderately swollen posteriorly, about three-quarters to equalling lateral pre-orbital area. Pelvic disc 0.8-0.9 abdomen length, anterior membrane with large angular, lateral lobes, one-third to almost half width of rear edge. Caudal peduncle depth 0.9-1.1 own length. Dl VI (V-VII); D2 I + 17-18 (16 19); A I + 14-15 (13-16); P 19-20 (18-21). Scales in lateral series 55-61. Vertebrae 33-34. Colour: olive with yellowish and brown markings above; breeding males almost black; first dorsal fin with narrow orange-yellow upper edge, without darker band beneath; second dorsal fin without pale edge. Size: to 25 cm.

Habitat: inshore, on pebbles or gravel, and also on some offshore banks; migrates to shallows in spring. Food: no data. Reproduction: March to beginning of May (Varna, Black Sea), spawning twice. Eggs large, 4.4 x 2.5 mm, with pointed apex, deposited under and between stones. Sexually mature at 2 years.

Distribution: north-western and north-eastern Black Sea and parts of Sea of Azov.