Knipowitschia panizzae

Author: (Verga, 1841)

Knipowitschia panizzae (Verga, 1841)

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Knipowitschia panizzae (Verga, 1841) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: lateral line system without posterior oculoscapular canal. Back naked to middle or rear part of second dorsal base (to D2 4-8). Dl VI (V-VI); D2 I + 7-8 (7-9); A I + 7-8; P 16 (15-17). Scales in lateral series 32-39. Vertebrae 30 (29-30). Colour (preserved): pale fawn. reticulate posteriorly, with conspicuous pale saddles across back; a dull male with lateral dark blotches produced ventrally, head and breast dark; female with black chin spot. Size: to 3.2 cm (males) and 3.73 cm. (females).

Habitat: brackish estuaries and lagoons, and freshwater. Food: no data. Reproduction: April-August (Venice), repeat spawning every 10 15 days. Eggs on undersurface of Cerastoderma valves. Sexually mature at 1 year.

Distribution: Mediterranean (Adriatic).

Eggs, larvae and young stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.